Fotografi Ekspresi : “Permainan Bentuk Tubuh Manusia”


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Lukistyawan, Purwastya Pratmajaya Adi (2012) Fotografi Ekspresi : “Permainan Bentuk Tubuh Manusia”. Jurnal Ornamen, 9 (2). pp. 59-73. ISSN 1693-7724

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Photography in general as a tool for documentation of an event or incident. Along with the advancement of technology and the development of human creative ideas, then photography captured managed to make a more unique and different. Photography is designed with a particular concept, processed and presented as an artistic expression discharges took it, then it becomes a work of photographic expression works .(Soeprapto Soedjono, 2007; 27). Photographic expression of the theme of the body shape is a creation of photography as an expression of the author's personal expression in response to the artistic value of body shape. Based creative ideas, the author will explore the form of the human body, which then drafted, processed and presented as an expression of the authors discharges. In the creation of works of art, the game is something that is autonomous. The game will be the occasion of pure appearance, a structure, work independently. Independence will give size of meaning (Bambang Sugiharto, Agus Rachmat W, 2000, 251). In the creation of this work, the author will play the body to be used purely as a game viewing, structured to be an independent body and the artistic significance of the body. Form in the creation of this work is the general body structure of the entity, which is then explored a visual form of artistic photography and have an abstract impression Susan Sontag in the book of Acts Eyes is written by Seno Gumira Ajidarma; "nude photos is not the nudity but also game shape, the body beyond itself, so the sensuality down, lifted the body shape abstractness" (Susan Sontag in Gumira Ajidarma Seno, 2002, 50). Key words: Expression of Photography, Game, Shape, Body.

Type: Article
Not controling keyword: Expression of Photography, Game, Shape, Body
Subject: 1. ISI Surakarta > Fotografi
Divisions: Faculty of Fine Art and Design > School of Photograpy
User deposit: UPT. Perpustakaan
Datestamp: 15 Jan 2018 01:17
Last mod: 15 Jan 2018 01:17

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