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Bantolo, Matheus Wasi (2019) KONSEP OPERA DALAM PENCIPTAAN TARI KONTEMPORER. Project Report. Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Surakarta. (Unpublished)

Matheus Wasi Bantolo,S.Sn.,M.Sn.pdf

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Official url: http://repository.isi-ska.ac.id/


"The Concept of Opera in the Creation of Contemporary Dance", is a research to formulate a concept of opera in the of contemporary dance creation. To answer this research problem use the theory of opera in a journal article titled "Exits and Entrances: on Opera" by Peter Sellar, and the method of creating art research or artistic research as conveyed in the journal entitled "On Reflecting and Making in Artistic Research" written by Maarit Mäkelä and friends. This research is a practice based research using research methods based on library research as well as experience and experimentation of the process of realizing dance works by combining musical elements in vocal and dance movements, and forms of dance opera works that have been done by researchers. Observations were carried out by means of participant action research, in which there was involvement as well as conducting experiments in creating dance work in the form of opera. The works in the form of dance operas, are works that use the elements of aural and body as a medium of expression in the presentation of his work. Its creation through aural processing in producing an ability and body processing to produce motion so that it becomes a form of dance opera. These dance operas revealed the problem of women as subalterns that affect men's lives in the perspectives of mothers, wives, and couples.

Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Not controling keyword: Concept, Opera, Creation
Subject: 1. ISI Surakarta > Tari
Divisions: Faculty of Performance Arts > School of Dance
User deposit: UPT. Perpustakaan
Datestamp: 14 Apr 2020 06:42
Last mod: 14 Apr 2020 06:42
URI: http://repository.isi-ska.ac.id/id/eprint/4217

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